New Pitosga WebSite


Pitosga was born in December 2001. It is an optics with professional services. It markets the best brands in the world of optics.

It offers daily consultations of Optometry, ophthalmology and contactology.
Provides care and personalized advice.

In addition to the best brands and the latest collections, what really defines and distinguishes them from any other perspective, is the care they have in the service and in the search for the solution that best suits the individual profile of each of their customers.

Pitosga is unique … as each client is to us as well.


Pitosga’s web presence was essentially aimed at a clean, light, and innovative presentation and communication that stood out from the competition through the combination of simplicity of processes, graphic care, visual attractiveness and ease of reading and perception of content.

Given the nature of the company’s activity and its objectives, particular emphasis was placed on the Collections section.

The entire programming of the WebSite has been refined in order to ensure a fast and smooth navigation.

A great emphasis was placed on website SEO (organic optimization for search engines), in order to enhance the results of the investments made in SEA (Advertising in search engines, e.g. Google).

The new website was developed in HTML5 with Responsive Design, Javascript and JQuery, being compatible with all viewing devices, TV screens, desktop, laptop, and all mobile devices, tablets and smartphones.

In addition to integration with social networks or e-mail Marketing( subscription management and newsletter sending), it also has a transactional e-mail service (usually used by banking and e-commerce services) that ensures the safe and timely delivery of emails to customers, be they Information, notifications, etc.

For more information see the project page in our portfolio section – Here.